NXT car rental

Investing in car rental presents a dynamic opportunity to earn consistent income through short-term bookings. Capitalize on the demand for flexible transportation and maximize your returns.

We handle the top quality Cars available in the UAE at NXT, We take pleasure in providing the most unique experience.

Our cars are among the finest on the market, and they have been hand-picked by the staff to provide an amazing experience.
NXT car rental
– Owning shares in operating company – Profit distribution (Monthly, Quarterly, Annually) – Dubai Court Agreement – Company Agreement – Join GVI accredit investors club – UAE Investor Visa

Upto 20%

Returns On Investment

Min Investment
100,000 AED
How It works?


Investo Clients

NXT car rental


Investo uses the funds to Purchase Inventory &

NXT car rental


The Investor receives the dividends

on his investments as per the agreed terms.

NXT car rental

Invest With Fixed
Quarterly Returns.


Upto 20%

Returns On Investment

Min Investment
100,000 AED
How do we
secure your Capital?

Legally Binding Agreements

All investments are governed by contracts vetted and approved in collaboration with the Dubai court system. This ensures a strong legal framework upholding investor rights and protections.

Comprehensive Company Agreements

Detailed company agreements further solidify capital security. These agreements clearly define the terms and conditions of investment, providing transparency and outlining investor protections.

Enhanced Financial Safeguards

We utilize security cheques as an additional layer of financial security. This measure offers further peace of mind for our valued investors.

Let's Scale
your earnings,

Build your investment portfolio with Global Vision Investments

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Our dedicated team of Experts is eager to assist you on your path to financial independence.
Develop a clear investment strategy, diversify, manage risk, and get geared to create long-term wealth.

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